I absolutely love taking photos! You won't find me without my camera everywhere I go. Unfortunately, I learned that lesson the hard way and believe me I won't make that mistake again.

I have been taking photos since I was very young.....you know when there was no such thing as digital photography and you had to send your photos out to be processed. You're so excited to get them back and then find out only several came out decent. My poor mom, she kept the photo processing companies in business! Thank god for digital photography! Now I can take as many photos as I want!

Two years ago I received my first Digital SLR Camera and my world changed forever! I take even more photos now (if that's even possible?).

Word has spread and I've started taking photos for individuals/familys and local events. Translation - "I'm getting paid to do something I love to do!"

I live in Southern Vermont where the seasons change always giving me ample opportunity for a good variety of things to shoot.

I'm so happy you found my website. I hope you enjoy looking at my photos as much as I enjoy taking them!